

CM6: Data Science for Industrial Engineering

L’evento di presentazione del PSPA CM6: Data Science for Industrial Engineering, tenuta dalla Prof.ssa Bianca Maria Colosimo, si terrà il 21 aprile 2023 alle ore 17:00 presso la Sala Consiglio, Dipartimento di Meccanica – Edificio B23, primo piano. L’incontro sarà registrato. Per seguire online, clicca al link in fondo.ID riunione: 330 057 929 416Passcode: y3bAYd

CC4: Bio-inspired Engineering

The presentation event of the CC4: Bio-inspired Engineering track, by Prof. Gaetano Casini and Prof. Simone Cinquemani, will be held on April 19th, 2023 at 5 pm at Sala Consiglio, Department of Mechanical Engineering – Building B23, first floor. The event will be recorded. To join online, click on the link below.ID meeting: 330 663 648 716Passcode: ZTtEAf

CC6: Sports Engineering

The presentation event of the CC6: Sports Engineering track, by Prof. Marco Tarabini, will be held on April 18th, 2023 at 1 pm at Sala Consiglio, Department of Mechanical Engineering – Building B23, first floor. The event will be recorded. To join online, click on the link below.ID meeting: 340 371 485 615Passcode: nqcyaH

CM1: Digital Technologies for Product Development

The presentation event of the CM1: Digital Technologies for Product Development track, by Prof. Giandomenico Caruso and Prof. Giorgio Colombo, will be held on April 18th, 2023 at 11.30 am at Sala Consiglio, Department of Mechanical Engineering – Building B23, first floor. The presentation will follow the event “Industrial Metaverse“. The event will be recorded. To join online, click on


When discussing the Metaverse, we mainly consider its application in video games, retail, and social media.  However, the Metaverse will also significantly express its potential in the industrial sector by supporting various activities from design to manufacturing and, in general, the life cycle of products. However, why will the Metaverse bring significant changes in this

CC2: Wind Energy

The presentation event of the CC2: Wind Energy track, by Prof. Marco Belloli, will be held on April 14th, 2023 at 10 am at Sala Consiglio, Department of Mechanical Engineering – Building B23, first floor. The event will be recorded. To join online, click on the link below. ID meeting: 316 073 856 726Passcode: 4EZeSd

CM2: Materials Design and Processing for Industrial Engineering

The presentation event of the CM2: Material Design and Processing for Industrial Engineering track, by Prof. Marco Boniardi, will be held on April 13th, 2023 at 4 pm at Sala Consiglio, Department of Mechanical Engineering – Building B23, first floor. The presentation will follow the event “From Rolexes to gold ingots: precious metals through history


Why are precious metals so special? What hides inside the Caveau of Central Banks? Which Rolex values the most: gold or platinum? What about palladium? Is silver also a precious metal? What are the industrial applications of these metals and what’s the value of their market? These are some of the questions that will be answered by


No other industrial sector constantly requires innovative processes and materials as the aerospace industry does and relies on essential novel solution experimenting. The consistently higher performance standards, the use of new materials and the application of new advanced manufacturing processes make it absolutely necessary to know deeply about the materials and their features to detect


Automation, digitalisation, decarbonisation and cutting emissions are the challenges metallurgy must face in order to guarantee a sustainable development of the industry. These same challenges are the reasons why this industry, pivotal for our economy, needs constant updating and more and more specific engineering skills. We will discuss the matter with engineer Cosmo Di Cecca,