Tracks and Courses

Tracks and Courses

Second-year Master’s students must choose their courses by selecting one of the suggested tracks to attend in one of our campuses (Milano Bovisa, Piacenza, and Lecco).

CM1: Digital Technologies for Product Development

The primary benefit of applying digital technologies for product development is delivering a product that uses the latest and most appropriate technologies to maximize the user experience. Moreover, as user needs and software availability evolve, products can do the same—constantly improving to meet escalating user expectations. The objective of the track Digital Technologies for Product Development is to train professionals with a systemic approach oriented to industrial product development. From the system architecture's conceptual definition to the life cycle's integrated vision, it aims to train future engineers to proficiently use the enabling digital technologies for information management, modelling, visualisation, and simulation. The track courses, namely covering topics in the design and industrial engineering methods area, also include design and laboratory activities with a fundamental educational role. First-year courses will enable students to understand digital solutions to address the main aspects of industrial product design and life cycle. Second-year mandatory courses deal with the digital twin paradigm and innovative technologies of eXtended Reality and their engineering applications, leading students to acknowledge their potential. Through elective courses, students can deepen their knowledge in increasingly relevant multidisciplinary fields within mechanical engineering. Finally, this track offers lab courses where students can apply the acquired knowledge to practical activities on virtual and physical prototyping of products, multisensory interaction, and human modelling and simulation.

CM2: Materials Design and Processing for Industrial Engineering

Materials are fundamental for all industrial engineering applications leading to revolutions not only of products and processes but of entire societies. Thus, the design of new materials and processes for ever more challenging applications is required. Moreover, sustainability is pivotal for the planet safeguarding and new challenges await mechanical engineers in many industrial fields, i.e. energy production, mobility, aerospace, and production processes. For these reasons, recycling, zero emission processes, and circular economy are the basis for studying materials development. The students will be trained by trials about practical design of structures and mechanical systems guided by full awareness of material properties. This track will give the attendants the fundamentals of extraction, design, fabrication, environmental impact, performance, and the business principles to successful application, such as speed to market and economic factors. The acquired knowledge will be the starting point for a future career as materials specialist, quality engineering, NDT expert, project manager, sustainability manager.

CM3: Computational Mechanical Design

Simulation is becoming vital in mechanical engineering, including automotive, aerospace and bioengineering sectors. Effective modelling, can help drive the design, speed up time to production and eliminate costly design mistakes. Moreover, emerging computational technologies, such as topology optimization and model order reduction techniques, are opening new possibilities in terms of mechanical design of lightweight and high-performance systems. They are transforming the way engineers design and develop novel solutions. By attending the Computational Mechanical Design track, students will acquire the technical skills, methods and principles to design mechanical systems and their components by using multiscale/multi-material/multiphysics computational methods. In fact, the core of the track are advanced numerical tools for computer aided material modelling, (nonlinear) finite element analysis, computational fluid dynamics and coupled multi-physics modelling.

CM4: Sustainable Manufacturing Engineering

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the European Green Deal define a path for the future perspective of the planet and its inhabitants, which has become particularly topical in light of the main emergencies (social, energetic and environmental). One fundamental factor in achieving these ambitious targets is the paradigm shift in product design and industrial production, i.e. to foster the transition to a new generation of green products and circular and sustainable manufacturing. The aim of this track is the education and training of a new generation of professionals, with skills rooted in mechanical and industrial engineering and specialized in sustainable development and digitization, which are rapidly becoming one of the first needs of industrial companies. After successfully completing this track, students will have a holistic perspective combining a solid competence in methods and tools for designing green, lightweight products and systems (e.g. lightweight design of mechanical structures), and for assessing the environmental impacts of products (Life Cycle Assessment),  while minimizing their lifecycle impact thanks to an in-depth knowledge of new solutions for sustainable manufacturing (e.g., digital machining, additive manufacturing) and de-/re-manufacturing, (e.g., disassembly, recycling processes and systems reducing the environmental footprint of products and materials). A large variety of complementary courses and dedicated laboratories are also offered to expand the students’ perspective on all the different dimensions of multiple lives of products and acquire core competencies and skills needed to drive our economy and society towards new sustainable goals. The curriculum also offers a set of courses focusing on specific topics, i.e. green design, sustainable smart manufacturing and additive manufacturing.

CM5: Production Engineering

Production systems are the core of modern industry, including the entire products value chain from products design to services. Different areas characterize these systems: the plant-project area, the design and management of production and logistics systems area, and the manufacturing area. The Mechanical Engineer with the study plan in Production Engineering is a professional with advanced knowledge and skills in the design, management, and control of industrial production processes and systems. Students will learn how to model and optimize production processes by using software tools to analyse data and how use automation and robotics in production systems. Moreover, they will learn and experience, in specific laboratory activities, the impact of digitalization. Finally, they will be able to use, design and optimize production processes, and manage production and logistics systems in industrial facilities while being coherent with the requirements due to a sustainable production. Consistent with this approach, the following topics will be addressed:
  • the planning of complex industrial projects, layout design and feasibility studies in the plant-project area,
  • the production and logistics management, maintenance and industrial asset management, industrial technologies and systems in the design and management of production and logistics systems area,
  • the design and supervision of integrated production systems, industrial quality management and optimal design of manufacturing processes in the manufacturing area.

CM6: Data Science for Industrial Engineering

The pervasive use of data in mechanical and industrial engineering paves the way to a paradigm shift in product, process and service lifetime, from design to manufacturing and qualification, from usage to maintenance and end-of-life/recycle/reuse. This track is designed to provide students with a solid knowledge of the most advanced tools and methodologies for data science to improve their vertical knowledge on engineering problem domains with the final goal of enhancing students’ skills in problem setting and problem solving when real and complex challenges need to be faced. The track is designed to combine courses focusing on data acquisition and modelling and statistical learning with courses focusing on product design, process and product improvement, manufacturing and maintenance. A multidisciplinary attendance from students in mathematical engineering and mechanical engineering is expected. The final laboratory is designed to let student enjoy an interdisciplinary hands-on experience on data exploration and analysis for real problem solving.

FA1: Automotive and Motorsport Engineering

Almost 150 years after its birth, the automotive sector continues to arouse the enthusiasm of designers and engineers. Throughout its history, this engineering area has always stood out as one of the most dynamic and innovative in the current industrial landscape, evolving to meet safety, performance as well as economic and environmental sustainability needs. On top of this, motorsport represents the opportunity to create, design and test, in an environment that requires extreme performance, new technologies that can then be applied to mass-produced vehicles. The Automotive and Motorsport Engineering track aims at providing graduates with the technical skills requested by automotive suppliers and car makers. Students will learn how to design both vehicle components and the vehicle as a whole. Knowledge of manufacturing processes, typical of the automotive sector, can be acquired. Graduates will be able to define the key performance indicators of vehicle components as well as conceive, designing, engineer, prototyping, produce and test an automotive system. Hands-on experience will be provided to students by faculty and industry partners. The curriculum also offers a set of courses focusing on specific topics, i.e. science and technology, aerodynamics and NVH.

FA2: Marine Engineering

The marine environment presents enormous possibilities for development, the so-called blue economy. However, it is also an ecosystem that regulates global climate and is a reservoir of biodiversity. Responsible development of the blue economy requires both technical expertise and an understanding of the ocean environment. The aim of the Marine Engineering track is to provide students with a unique set of science-based engineering skills for the sustainable development of the blue economy. These competencies include knowledge of the physical challenges in constructing offshore installations as well as developing technologies for both surface and underwater systems. In particular, students will learn how to:
  • design, analyse, and control propeller/propulsive systems and auxiliary equipment taking into account efficiency and low environmental impact;
  • design, analyse, construct and operate (manned as well as unmanned) vessels and underwater vehicles;
  • install and operate fixed and floating structures subject to different operating conditions through both group exercise and individual projects.

FA3: Railway Engineering

Railway transportation is experiencing a true renaissance in recent years: it is widely acknowledged as the greenest means of transportation and it provides the backbone for moving passengers and freights reducing traffic congestion in large urban areas and intercity routes. It also provides the passengers with an enjoyable travelling experience thanks to short boarding times, fast connection between urban and intercity networks and resilience to extreme weather conditions. The Railway Engineering track provides the student with a systemic approach to railways encompassing subjects traditionally related to mechanical engineering such as vehicle design, vehicle dynamics, lightweight materials, automation and control systems, together with topics from other areas of engineering such as electrical systems, railway tracks, signalling and communication, transportation planning, asset management. The track also looks at future/disruptive changes in railway transportation such as MAGLEV and Hyperloop. Graduates from this track will be fully prepared to start their career in a dynamic and rapidly evolving environment, becoming the designers and/or managers of the future generation of railway transportation systems.

FA4: Mechatronics and Robotics

Creating mechatronic systems requires skills from a broad range of subjects. Consider modern passenger cars: they increasingly depend on the integration of mechanical subsystems with a substantial number of embedded computers, sensors, actuators, and communication devices for active safety functions, increased autonomy and new propulsion systems. Other evolving fields are intelligent robots for households and industry. These complex and highly interactive systems pose fundamental questions about their design, physical modelling, optimization and control. The Mechatronics and Robotics track offers students the integrated and multidisciplinary engineering expertise needed to design, develop and manage innovative and intelligent high-tech products and systems that meet today’s challenges in the most varied fields of application ranging from energy to mobility, from health to the environment. The track also offers course packages focused on three specific subtopics, i.e. robots, mechatronics and vehicles..

FA5: Mechatronics for Manufacturing

In a fast-changing world, manufacturers must become quicker, smarter, and greener. This goes beyond making existing physical processes more efficient. For this purpose technical figures prepared to tackle this innovation process will be highly requested. The Mechatronics for Manufacturing track aims at training professional profiles specialized in the design, integration, monitoring and control of complex mechatronic systems (robots, automatic machines, machine centers, etc.) that can use new tools and methodologies for developing innovative solutions both in the conceptual design and in the profitable use in production systems. The Mechatronics for Manufacturing track covers the broad field of mechatronics related to manufacturing processes and systems. The study of the machine-process interaction, advanced monitoring and control strategies, machine learning techniques, prognostics, as well as the use of smart materials, the development of digital twins and cyber physical systems, eXtended Reality applications, advanced simulations techniques and sustainability in manufacturing are some of the most relevant topics that will be dealt with within the courses. The track addresses all manufacturing equipment, processes and systems, including machining systems, metal forming, robots, non-conventional processes, additive manufacturing processes, etc. The courses will present meaningful examples from broad industrial applications and companies will be actively involved in the teaching process and in the laboratory sessions.

FA6: Smart and Sustainable Industry

The most pressing challenges of the modern manufacturing industries are related to the adoption of sustainable practices and to the reduction of waste and greenhouse gas emissions. The track of Smart and Sustainable Industry prepares highly qualified mechanical engineers for developing solutions in the fields of Industry 4.0, efficient manufacturing processes and sustainable components production. The study plan provides the most advanced knowledge in the founding fields of mechanical engineering and enhances the student’s skills in the design of innovative industrial solutions, as well as in the manufacturing of mechanical components and in making their production more sustainable. The student’s education will be focused on machine design and construction, manufacturing and operations, energy systems, materials for engineering applications, automation and robotics and data analysis. The courses will include lectures and laboratory experiences, with a strong focus on hands-on learning and experimentation. This approach will improve the students’ practical knowledge of the tools, techniques, and equipment used in the most advanced fields of mechanical engineering, as well as of the development of problem-solving skills and critical thinking. Team working on topics and projects involving world-leading industries will play an important role in the student’s learning process.

CC1: Propulsion and Power

Present and future energy scenarios ask for a mandatory reduction of the environmental impact of propulsion and power generation devices and systems: this action, no more delayable, asks for a deep and rigorous understanding of many topics and for a holistic approach to the problem. The Propulsion and Power track focuses on fundamental and in-depth knowledge of the operating principles of machines for the propulsion, generation and use of mechanical power, to guide students in the development and autonomous management of engineering projects involving the problems of sizing, design, choice and use of these components. Technologies of internal combustion engines, fuel cells, batteries and some components of marine and aeronautical engines will be addressed. About the generation and use of mechanical power, strictly interconnected to electrical power, operating turbomachinery (compressors/pumps) and engines (turbines, internal combustion, fuel cells) dedicated to these particular applications will be presented in depth. Particular attention is paid to the fluid dynamics, energy, environmental and sustainability aspects. The track will pave the way towards a wide number of companies active in the energy field, in the design/manufacturing and operation of engines and turbomachinery.

CC2: Wind Energy

Wind energy is a leading source of clean power and represents a solid response to the growing global demand for energy services. Its steady progress in the energy market has been driven by years of technological development and scientific breakthroughs, and the wind industry is expected to employ several hundred thousand people over the next few decades. The Wind Energy track provides students with fundamental tools needed to make power from wind. Lessons held by researchers and operators in the sector will provide in-depth knowledge in the main disciplines involved in wind energy: aerodynamics and fluid mechanics, materials, control systems, electric conversion, operation, and maintenance. In the first-year courses, students will learn the theoretical basis of the dynamics and energy conversion in wind systems. In the second year, theoretical knowledge will be extended with in-depth classes about various aspects of wind energy and applied in laboratory courses. Graduated students will have the opportunity to be employed in the wind energy industry and work on the research and development of new technologies, O&M of wind power plants, or provide consultancy services.

CC3: Defence and Security

In a world governed by uncertainty and precariousness, public and individual defence and security play an increasingly important role in the surveillance and protection of citizens, major events and critical infrastructures in Italy. To intervene effectively and to successfully resolve potential critical situations, Defence and Security engineers must have specific training that allows them to efficiently carry out the surveillance and protection actions to which they will be assigned. From this point of view, the Defence and Security track of the master's degree in mechanical engineering aims to combine consolidated technical-engineering skills with non-traditional and little-treated topics in universities, such as ballistics, explosives, geopolitics, cybersecurity, drone applications and risk management. The perspective of the teaching courses aims to be mainly applicative and immediately usable on the market. The acquired knowledge will be the starting point for a future career as engineering specialist in security for energy, oil & gas and process industry, as researcher and industrial engineer in civil & military defence, as manger in risk analysis and web security, as expert in forensic topics.

CC4: Bio-inspired Engineering

Nature is a source of efficient solutions and strategies adopted by living organisms for survival and evolution. These strategies have proven to be consolidated and refined over thousands of years during the succession of generations. Thus, nature can inspire endless engineering applications, such as materials, structures, sensors, actuators, control strategies, adaptation and resilience principles as well as efficient use of resources. The Bioinspired Engineering track offers interdisciplinary, advanced design competencies and critical thinking skills, exploiting the lessons learned from nature and showing how this knowledge can lead to more creative and sustainable engineering solutions. The professional profile leaving this track is an engineer capable of approaching today’s and tomorrow’s challenges with a broader vision and a wealth of innovative tools and solutions, integrating the skills of mechanical engineering, material science, chemistry energy, control and computer science.

CC5: Micro and Nano Systems

Products and systems we deal with on a daily basis are becoming increasingly complex and smart. Think of the automobile industry, robotic applications, medical services, artificial intelligence, communications and the energy sector, as meaningful examples. The key of this development is miniaturization. In fact, these products and systems would be unimaginable without micro and nano engineering technologies. The track Micro and Nano Systems offers a top-level, future-oriented, multidisciplinary education that builds upon the fundamentals of traditional science and engineering, from physics to materials science, from mechanical to electronic engineering. The goal of the program is to provide foundations for exploring and developing future technologies through research in materials, processes, design methods, and technologies for micro- and nano-scaled systems. The master's thesis will be developed making use of microfabrication and other experimental facilities of Polifab, the micro and nano technology center of Politecnico di Milano.

CC6: Sports Engineering

The growing demand for high-performance sports equipment, the increasing interest in sports science and the economic growth of the sports sector contribute to the need for a new class of technicians. The Sports Engineering track applies the principles of engineering to design, develop, and improve sports equipment and facilities, as well as to use data to optimize the sport performance and the teams’ strategy. In the Sports Engineering study program, students will learn about biomechanics, materials science, computer-aided design, and the physics and physiology of sports. Students will work on projects related to sports equipment design, biomechanical analysis of athletic performances and on the development of new technologies and instruments for both sports training and rehabilitation. Courses will be a mix of lectures and laboratory projects, with a strong focus on hands-on learning and experimentation. The approach will improve the students’ practical knowledge of the tools, techniques, and equipment used in the Sports Engineering field as well as their problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities. Students will typically work in teams to design, build, and test prototypes of sports equipment and sports facilities, or to develop and validate numerical models of sports goods and athletes’ performances.


Internal Double Degree Programmes
The Internal Double Degree Programmes of Politecnico di Milano are recently added Postgraduate Programmes that last 3 years, created in collaboration with other Postgraduate Programmes of Polimi. Here following the Programmes available:
  • Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology - Mechanical Engineering;
  • Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering.
For further intimation, visit the School of industrial and Information Engineering website.
EIT-M: Additive Manufacturing for Full Flexibility
Through student mobility and high-specialised courses, the EIT-M: Additive Manufacturing for Full Flexibility track offers the chance to study more in-depth:
  • Manufacturing and additive manufacturing processes;
  • Mechanical design;
  • Production management.
The EIT-M Master’s students will attend their first year at their entry University and the second at a selected partner University, participate in innovation and entrepreneurship courses, serve an internship in a company, and be awarded two Master’s Degrees. The EIT-M Master’s Programme is included in the MSc Programmes offered by the EIT Manufacturing Master School, one of the initiatives launched by the EIT Manufacturing Innovation Community part of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT). For further information, contact us.


Students enrolled in the Postgraduate Programme in Mechanical Engineering have the chance to attend a special programme allowing them to obtain the title of Expert in Smart Infrastructures, Green technologies and Inclusivity Design.  According to the selected specialisation track, each student can select a defined number of mandatory and elective courses of at least 30 ECTS credits qualified as SMART, GREEN or INCLUSIVE (10 of which are extra for a total of 130 ECTS credits) to be awarded the qualification of POLIMI AMBASSADOR in:
Click on the link below to get further information.