

EVENT: MAY 16TH, 2023

Which are the technological challenges to face during the design phase of a submarine to guarantee its cloaking features? Together with Simone La Riviera, frigate captain and liaison officer at Rppresentaza della Marina Militare in Kiel (Germany), we’ll discuss, starting from operational missions a submarine must take, the primary technical needs to consider when designing


This talk “Research Overview on the iCub Humanoid Robot for Locomotion, Physical Interaction, Avatars and Flight Applications” overviews the research outcomes of the Artificial and Mechanical Intelligence lab at the Italian Institute of Technology. In particular, the lab is focusing on three main research axes using the iCub humanoid robot: avatar systems, physical human-robot interaction,

FA5: Mechatronics for Manufacturing

The presentation event of the FA5: Mechatronics for Manufacturing track, by Prof. Paolo Albertelli, will be held on May 12th, 2023 at 10:30 pm at Sala Consiglio, Department of Mechanical Engineering – Building B23, first floor. During the event, Alessandro Masetti Placci of the Alphatauri racing team will give his talk on “Design Process and the Role of Manufacturing

EVENT: MAY 11TH, 2023

Scientific research and sport, a solid combination that development opportunities at the Lecco campus of Politecnico di Milano where, with the installation of the E4Sport interdepartmental laboratory, research groups actively study and work in synergy on four specific topics: athletes, equipment, environments, sports club. Sharing such topics and opportunities is the objective of the meeting

EVENT: MAY 10TH, 2023

Metal powders are raw materials for what is known as powder metallurgy, which involves well-known processes, such as 3D printing, and other technologies, like Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) or Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) used to create “near net shape” semi-finished products and reducing subtractive productions. The powders used for these processes require specific features in

CM4: Green Design and Sustainable Manufacturing

The presentation event of the CM4: Green Design and Sustainable Manufacturing track, by Prof. Bianca Maria Colosimo, Prof. Michele Monno and Prof. Mario Guagliano, will be held on May 10th, 2023 at 2:30 pm at Sala Consiglio, Department of Mechanical Engineering – Building B23, first floor. During the event will give his talk also Ing. Massimo Perucca, CEO & Managing Director

CC3: Defence and Security

The presentation event of the CC3: Defence and Security track, by Prof. Marco Boniardi, will be held on May 10th, 2023 at 4 pm at Sala Consiglio, Department of Mechanical Engineering – Building B23, first floor. Before the presentation event, starting at 2:30 pm, Prof. Marco Boniardi will hold a seminar covering the topic “Ready to die? Power to capture

EVENT: MAY 9TH, 2023

Customer and consumer expectations have transformed as they drive manufacturers to rapidly introduce new and enhanced products and services. As manufacturers transform into leveraging a digital innovation platform to unify data, processes and resources across the domain, design has become a catalyst for not only new products and assets but also for ongoing optimization of products

CM5: Production Systems

The presentation event of the CM5: Production Systems track, by Prof. Andrea Matta and Prof. Enrico Cagno, will be held on May 8th, 2023 at 5 pm at Sala Consiglio, Department of Mechanical Engineering – Building B23, first floor. The event will be recorded. To join online, click on the link below.ID meeting: 313 355 127 384Passcode: h7bnjt

CC1: Propulsion and Power

The presentation event of the CC1: Propulsion and Power track, by Prof. Paolo Gaetani, will be held on May 8th, 2023 at 2:30 pm at Sala Consiglio, Department of Mechanical Engineering – Building B23, first floor. During the event, the following topics will be covered by two special guests: For further info, download the programme at the link