Alessandra D. A. Celesti

Every step of this life teaches you something, so keep climbing."

Nome: Alessandra D. A. Celesti

Provenienza: Milan (MI)

Studi: Mechanical Engineering

Why did you choose to enrol in the Mechanical Engineering programme at the Politecnico di Milano?

It was more of an intuitive choice than a well-thought-out one. “Moving” objects, as well as studying them, has always fascinated me, but initially, I didn’t connect this interest to a possible university path. As a child, I had a passion for trams and was determined to get into a depot to see how they worked. In my fourth year of high school, I was leaning towards chemical engineering, but then, during a summer orientation course organized by Politecnico, I attended the mechanical engineering presentation and was captivated by its labs. From that moment, I changed my mind and knew that this was the path for me.

Tell us a bit about your life on campus in Milan.

I spend time on the university campus both during lecture periods and breaks, not only to use the library and the available spaces but also to fully “live” the campus, which has led me to make wonderful friendships that I cultivate outside the campus. Studying among other people keeps me more motivated and full of energy. Moreover, more than once, the moral and academic support of friends has proven to be invaluable. And then there are the card games during breaks that bring lots of laughter and offer a bit of mental rest from studying: a real blessing!

Do you think choosing this study programme will lead you to achieve your dream?

I don’t think I know what my “dream job” really is yet. I am gradually building my idea of what I’d like to do working as an engineer. The only certainty I have is that the courses I attended so far, combined with my internship in a company and other academic experiences, are giving me the necessary tools to understand which branches of mechanics are most aligned with my interests and abilities, and consequently, what my role in a working environment might be.

Is there any advice you would give to future students?

I’ll start with the usual question that arises during difficult times: “Did I make the right choice?” I think that, whether the choice is right or not, depends not only on how much we are interested in the courses offered or how quickly we can pass the exams. It also significantly depends on how willing we are to work to overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. If you are determined and willing to work hard to achieve your goal, go ahead without fear with your choice: do not let difficulties overtake your confidence and you will indeed make it!